Sunday, February 8, 2015

Omnipotent Brume

Finally! I posted something! I tried my hand at actual structure for the first time by using the Villanelle. It was challenging...

Omnipotent Brume
Ice fog—a glorious, glittering sting to the touch.
Frigid flecks entice me still!
Erie mystery—a villain I never considered such.

Perhaps concealment is a wondrous crutch?
Cascaded in consternation, here sits my will.
Ice fog—a glorious, glittering sting to the touch.

Satchitananda serenity, I desire much.
This au courant cloak—all qualms it will kill!
Erie mystery—a villain I never considered such.

Weaving in and out, I explore this Kutch;
a myriad of mystery where truth is nil.
Ice fog—a glorious, glittering sting to the touch.

This phantasmal confidant I admire much.
Once murk becomes diaphanous, out escapes a trill!
Erie mystery—a villain I never considered such.

Unto antecedents I futilely clutch.
I navigate new animation without a single skill.
Ice fog—a glorious, glittering sting to the touch.
Erie mystery—a villain I never considered such.

by Jessica Herzog


  1. Thanks! It was fun to try a form. Something different...

    1. Totally! Also, I nominated you for The Liebster Award, if you want to check that out. Here's the link:
