Sunday, February 15, 2015

Liebster Award

Liebster Award

Thanks to Maggie Gammons for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I didn't know it existed, but I'm glad I found out. Plus, I love answering and asking questions...


- Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog
- Answer the questions given by the nominator
- Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers and link them
- Notify all the bloggers you nominate
- Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer.

1.     You have a spaceship that can take you anywhere in the solar system. What planet would you go to first? (Disregarding science for a while.)
          a. I would visit Mars. I’ve wanted to go there since I was a little kid because it’s full of red sand which I think is fantastic. Totally disregarding the laws of science, I thought if I constructed a box strong enough to withstand a hurricane, I’d make it to the planet. How about I jump in that box now? J

2.     What's your third favorite song from your second favorite album?
          a.   Hmmm, I have many favorite songs….Considering my second favorite album is arguably Dirt by Alice in Chains, I pick Would. Alice in Chains is the misery of all melancholy, the desperation of all despair. However, my eardrums ride those currents pleasantly through both joyous times and sad times. Can’t escape the grunge glory!

3.     Unicorns or dinosaurs?
          a.  Unicorns! Hands down! They remind me of my friend Robin who is one of the best people I’ve ever met, no lie. Also, who doesn’t love pretty glitter, a mighty horn, and fairy tale creatures?
Robin took this picture of my horse, Brass, and I.
4.     Who's your favorite poet?
           a.   I don’t have a favorite poet, but I do have favorite poems. They are Ulalume by Edgar Allan Poe and Amor Mundi by Christina Rossetti. Their eeriness speaks to me kindly, I suppose. I also love anything deep that requires a bit of decoding to discover true meaning.

5.     Scar story. How'd you get your biggest/most gruesome scar?
             a.  I was born early. My heart didn’t agree with me so I had Patent Ductus Arteriosus. Now I have a giant scar on my back that I hardly ever notice or think about.

6.     Best meal you've ever cooked?
           a.   Does Black Forest Christmas cake count as a meal?

7.     What body of water is your favorite? (Rivers, oceans, lakes, baths, etc.)
           a.   I will pick rivers. They can be calm or catastrophic so there’s plenty of variety. Sometimes they turn into waterfalls and there is one right in the middle of the town I live in now. They remind me of rollercoasters.
The Chena River by Fairbanks, Alaska
8.     Describe the scariest teacher you've ever had.
          a.     This teacher did not understand my struggles. This teacher held a very prestigious position aside from being my teacher. I hardly knew this teacher. I had to explain myself to this teacher. I will always be afraid of this teacher!

9.     Would you rather go into space or the bottom of the sea?
         a.     Well, since I’m already going to Mars, how about I go to the bottom of the sea as well, just for kicks. I’d like to see all those creepy, glow-y fish that live down there. Not to mention, discover what it feels like to be squished from every angle possible by a pressure other than mental/emotional must-meet-the-deadline stress.

10.  Is there a story behind your name? If so, what is it?
          a.     My dad picked my name. I think he just chose it because he liked it. However, I think there is special coincidence behind my name. It means that “the Lord sees.” Consequently, I’ve never gotten into a bad situation I can’t get out of and I am very fortunate and lucky. I am certain someone sees me from above and shoves me in the right direction.

11.  What type of art are you most inclined to creating? (writing, drawing, painting, photographing, fashion designing, music-making, etc.)
          a.     Guess…It’s writing! Writing is easy and when it’s not easy, it is an enjoyable challenge. I love to express my ideas to multiple people without vibrating my voice box over and over. Writing helps me center myself through difficulty and the words just flow through me, begging to be put on paper.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Omnipotent Brume

Finally! I posted something! I tried my hand at actual structure for the first time by using the Villanelle. It was challenging...

Omnipotent Brume
Ice fog—a glorious, glittering sting to the touch.
Frigid flecks entice me still!
Erie mystery—a villain I never considered such.

Perhaps concealment is a wondrous crutch?
Cascaded in consternation, here sits my will.
Ice fog—a glorious, glittering sting to the touch.

Satchitananda serenity, I desire much.
This au courant cloak—all qualms it will kill!
Erie mystery—a villain I never considered such.

Weaving in and out, I explore this Kutch;
a myriad of mystery where truth is nil.
Ice fog—a glorious, glittering sting to the touch.

This phantasmal confidant I admire much.
Once murk becomes diaphanous, out escapes a trill!
Erie mystery—a villain I never considered such.

Unto antecedents I futilely clutch.
I navigate new animation without a single skill.
Ice fog—a glorious, glittering sting to the touch.
Erie mystery—a villain I never considered such.

by Jessica Herzog