Sunday, September 6, 2015

We've Lost Our Nature

     Hello readers! Has it been a while since I posted or what? Taking summer classes was a great decision, but it caused my blog posts to slide. 
     One class was poetry, where I wrote the poem below. My summer consisted of biology, poetry, and contemplating how to bring the earth to the mind of those who don't consider it much. I think this poem encompasses that nicely. Enjoy! :) 

We’ve Lost Our Nature

Where earth’s encased in concrete a flower grows through a sidewalk crack  
Trying     telling us something

Down the bleak path between skyscrapers
blocking sun   a person     
eyes  focused    on wrong things   

In a one-room boarded box worlds away  
sits me—hand with pen  
Moving     contemplating
                                how to speak for flowers           

(If speaking could carve grey burdens…)

Would society understand?   Will they listen
flower searching     for sun  
when I tell them
where to weld their corneas 
 invest their hands?

.        .        .

Grasp the concrete
under the crack I ask.
Lift brave, exposing roots.

Stare at land, at last
able to breath and know

flower cries relief.

Feel your heart thrum in time
with the pulse of primitive life,
enriching us before
we cemented our souls.

But we progress—dismissing flowers.