First, I encourage you to watch The Lorax. When I was little, I watched it and was influenced to express concern for my surroundings, but the movie has relevance for people of any age.
I like the message and the simplicity of it. Without the use of confusing language and scare tactics, we are nicely reminded to consider the environment and the impact we have upon it.
Furthermore, there is a multitude of actions you can take, both small and momentous, to support a better earth. Just research terms like "sustainability" or "zero waste" to generate ideas. After seeing what you can do, take the initiative to implement what works best for you to help out the environment.
Here are some sites I like:
Learn how to reduce the amount of waste you generate at zerowastehome.com
Figure out how and where to recycle things you didn't know were recyclable at earth911.com
Learn about composting on a large or small scale at eartheasy.com
Enjoy your Earth Day and I hope you all have the chance to get outdoors and start "going green"!